An irregular decade


That’s right, this month marks 10 years of this very irregular blog. It began on the suggestion of my then PhD supervisor, Dr Cameron Tonkinwise. The brilliant man was spot on; it has become one of the best things I did as part of my doctoral project. You see, it was through this blog that I met Holly McQuillan. Here I’ve been able to experiment with ideas about fashion and sustainability, about creativity and originality in fashion, and in recent years document my transformation from a painfully unhealthy 30-something to a respectably athletic 40-something. And in the early years, it sometimes got me the title ‘fashion blogger’, which always amused me endlessly. To date I’ve rejected all offers of advertising and in fact pay WordPress for the privilege of no ads appearing here. This is my own place, and counter to what the irregularity of posts would suggest, one I hold very dear.

That is in large part thanks to you. I don’t have a ton of readers, however from comments I’ve learned that I have loyal, generous, thoughtful ones. Thank you for the company, for the comments, for the links.

I dare not make predictions about the next decade, other than that I see no dramatic reasons in my future that would stop me from writing here at the pace that I have been in recent years. My practice has become more textile-oriented and that is already reflected in the content. The above testing is for a piece I began in Finland this summer, a cross-stitched poem, which I’m writing as I am stitching it. It is one of the more terrifying projects I’ve undertaken. Seriously, poetry? Who the hell am I to attempt poetry? And so the internal conversation goes: to date nobody has seen the work in progress. You will, I promise, however it turns out. Thanks once more for the company.

4 responses to An irregular decade

  1. Marlise says:

    Hi Timo, I´m not a fashion professional but I make most of my clothes myself. Your blog is a huge inspiration to reduce waste also in the small scale of home sewing. Thank you for sharing all the educational material, too! Knowing the dirty facts behind the fashion industry helps in discussions with people who do not understand why I would go through the effort of making if I could buy chaper clothes in the store (which is one motivation to sew besides the fact that I love to create garments that fit). All the best to you! Marlise

  2. Happy Anniversary. I have always appreciated how deeply thoughtful your posts are.You have led me to interesting places and to others who think seriously about clothing and textiles.

  3. Ana says:

    Hello Timo! I just found your blog recently and has fascinated me! Continues like that, congratulations!

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